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     Hey! My name is Britteny and I'm so happy that you are here! You are the reason why my small business has flourished and I appreciate that so very much!

     EODdesign started when I bought a massive, industrial sized embroidery machine without a clue how to use it. To be honest, I had never embroidered anything in my life, but I wanted something tactile to do while still being able to stay home with my kiddos. Years later, I have three massive machines and both my kids go to school full time, but here I am--still using thread and scissors on the daily.

     I make everything in this shop. I don't let anyone help because A. I'm an obsessive perfectionist and B. I'm a control freak. Actually, A and B are kind of the same thing, but you get the point. EODdesign (Embroidery Only Design) is kind of like my third child and I guess I'm a helicopter parent. Don't blame me though because being in an EOD military family (iykyk) we just kind of do things in an unconventional manner.

     I won't babble anymore, but feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Much love, Britteny

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